
Learn More About Our Work

Our Mission is to develop our students' academically, spiritually, pysically, mentally and socially by offering them a modern education for the development of our country and the world


We learn how to become God-fearing as we grow in faith, though reflection and service.


We learn how to show love and care, to one another, themselves and all of God's creations.


We are taught to accept owernship for all of our actions and being accountable to each other for our actions and inactions.

Our Mission

Our Mission is to develop our students' academically, spiritually, pysically, mentally and socially by offering them a modern education for the development of our country and the world

Our Vision

Our Vision is to become the model Daycare in Tanzania, Africa and the world for producing the most intellectually sound, technological savvy, socially sensitive, politically aware, environment friendly, God-fearing future leaders of Tanzania, Africa and the world .